Leave it to the Today show to show their total lack of Star Wars knowledge!

Today, I would normally be at work, but blessed vacation time became active and here I am living it up like it's a weekend in college! So I popped on the telly, and found that TODAY was having a Halloween special, and they chose Star Wars as their theme. Now the costumes were fantastic, and the props were amazing! Granted...Lucas Arts actually flew them in! Matt Lauer was lucky enough to be dressed as Luke, and was introduced in the morning by stepping out of an actual X-Wing! (One of the anchors later referred to it as a plane, and my husband about had a hissy fit in the living room) HOWEVER...Matt later commented that he'd NEVER SEEN A STAR WARS MOVIE! Egads! Sitting in an X-Wing could possibly be every Star Wars fanboy's dream, and the guy that knows nothing of the magic that is Star Wars, gets to live it without understanding it.

Stepping off the Geek Soap box (get it? geeky clean?) the Ewoks totally saved the show, and Kathy Lee actually researched C3-PO (which no one seemed to remember how to say) and was quoting lines. Take a peek at this adorable video..Ewok humping to follow :)

Happy Halloween everyone!


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